
Curved Spine

Three Types of Curved Spine

Health First Chiropractic Marysville can help you relieve your pain caused by a curved spine which most people know as scoliosis. However, there are three types of cured spine and scoliosis is only one of the three curvature disorders. While a normal spine has a slight curvature, the spine appears straight as it runs down the back, it does not bow outward or appear to look like an S or a C. A normal spine curvature is approximately twenty to fifty degrees.


Kyphosis has a curvature larger than fifty degrees; this curve makes the individual appear to be slouching over and hunched. Kyphosis is most common in women in their fifties and up because of osteoporosis although, that is not the only cause of the condition the following can also cause this disorder.

  • Congenital birth defects
  • Disk degeneration
  • Result of chemotherapy and radiation therapy in the thoracic and back region of the body

Kyphosis symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe pain, fatigue, and sometimes breathing difficulties. Cervical adjustments can help ease the pain and strengthen the spine.


Scoliosis causes the spine to look like an S. This spinal condition can cause mild to severe pain. Young girls (adolescents) are at the highest risk for scoliosis. There are also several other reasons people have scoliosis.

  • Congenital scoliosis (birth defect)
  • Abnormal muscles or nerves or conditions such as muscular dystrophy, spina bifida and cerebral palsy for examples
  • Traumatic injuries
  • Traumatic infections

Scoliosis symptoms can cause mild to severe pain depending on where and how curved the spine is, uneven shoulders, hips, and waist. Several different adjustments can help with pain management.


Lordosis causes the spine to look like a C. This spinal disorder can cause mild to severe pain. People who have lordosis usually have one or more of the following:

  • Obesity
  • Relentlessly poor posture
  • Suffer from Kyphosis the first spinal condition we looked at
  • Have a disk disorder known as Discitis.

The pain level can vary from mild to severe. A noticeable sign of lordosis is when lying on the floor there is a big gap between the floor and the persons’ back. Adjustments and stretching are helpful in easing the pain.

Call Us Today To Schedule An Appointment!

If you or a loved one is suffering from any of the above spinal disorders, contact Health First Chiropractic Marysville to make an appointment. You can reach us at (360) 658-1987.


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